Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is sugar worse than tobacco?

This article follows up to Amanda's post on white and brown sugar.

Scientists from the University of California, San Francisco believe that sugar limits shouldn't be self-imposed. They want to see the sweet stuff regulated, much like alcohol and tobacco.

According to their just-released report published in the journal Nature, excess sugar consumption is contributing to 35 million deaths worldwide each year, from diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer, an even greater burden on public health than infectious diseases. This is alarming!

The researchers say sugar isn't as innocent as 'empty calories' (calories without any nutritional value) because in the amounts we currently eat, triple the average consumption 50 years ago, it's toxic, in that it ups blood pressure, damages the liver , and impacts hormones. The scientists believe the same regulations, including taxes and limited access, that helped reduce cigarette smoking, from about 43 percent of adults in 1965 to now less than 20 percent, could work for sugar.

In addition to soaring sugar consumption, most Americans are also seriously short on healthy items. Only about 25 percent meet the recommended daily produce recommendations of two fruit and three veggie servings. Also, the average intake of whole grains is less than one serving per day, and fewer than 10 percent of Americans eat the minimum recommended three daily servings. When you think about all the sugar we're eating that we shouldn't be, and all the fruit, veggie, and whole grain servings we should be getting that we're not, it's obvious that some shuffling is in order.

If you think your diet is a bit out of balance commit to these three trade outs - each will reduce your sugar intake and help fill the fruit, veggie, and whole grain gap:

Kick the soda habit
If you crave bubbles, switch to sparkling water or all natural seltzer with a splash of 100 percent fruit juice or fresh fruit for flavor. One of my favorite combos is a whole key lime, quartered and slightly squeezed and a few sprigs of fresh mint. It's like sipping a refreshing virgin mojito.

Make fruit the base of your dessert
Bake or grill sliced apples, pears, pineapple, or mango. Instead of adding sugar just grill in foil or bake on a cookie sheet at 375 degrees Fahrenheit then dust with cinnamon, cloves, or fresh grated ginger. For a crunchy topping, sprinkle with toasted rolled oats or unsweetened shredded coconut. If you're craving something creamy layer with organic 0 percent (nonfat) yogurt or a nondairy yogurt made from coconut or almond milk. Or melt a few squares of dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa or greater) as a dip for fresh berries.

Get real about candy
When you need a candy fix try options made from real fruit with no added sugar, such as Seitenbacher Gummi Fruits or Stretch Island's FruitaBu.

Get your sweet fix with whole grains (or even veggies!)
When you absolutely must have something like a cookie or brownie, choose options made with Linkwhole grains. One of my favorites is Uncle Eddie's Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (just remember even though they're made with oats they're still an in-moderation splurge at 140 calories per cookie). Or whip up your own whole grain sweet treat with veggies to boot! Check out this video featuring my very own secret spinach brownie recipe.;_ylt=AuGWMBanVHHLlPWB40acHulqbqU5;_ylu=X3oDMTNxNjc5bWd2BG1pdANIZWFsdGggSnVtYm90cm9uBHBrZwMzNTUyMzE5Yi1hYjdjLTM2MzEtYjMwNS0zOGYzOTMyNTI2NDIEcG9zAzEEc2VjA2p1bWJvdHJvbgR2ZXIDMmRiYzRjYjktNGU3OS0xMWUxLWFmZjMtYWI5Y2Q0Yzc1MWMw;_ylg=X3oDMTIxbTZvY3JzBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANoZWFsdGh5bGl2aW5nBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25zBHRlc3QD;_ylv=3

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I have a some queries on the part that says 'They want to see the sweet stuff regulated, much like alcohol and tobacco.'

    What does it mean by regulated?

    Regulation of alcohol and tobacco is mainly by age limit in most countries; i.e. minors can't buy and retailers can't sell alcohol/tobacco to those below 18. Other than that law, anybody who is of legal age and has financial capabilities can buy alcohol and tobacco.

    So if sugar/ sweet stuff is to be regulated, does it mean that minors are banned from buying sugary products?

    In my opinion, this is not feasible and will have a detrimental effect on the food industries, which are bringing in millions of dollars and perhaps even contributing a large part to the growth of the economy.

    Furthermore, if excess sugar is the cause for millions of death worldwide, then I believe that excess salt, oil/fats are doing the same anyway. We definitely can't afford to regulate all these commodities in the long run; for one it is expensive to regulate.

    As always, I think that educating the general public on nutrition is the best way to solve the problem. Long term solution comes from the public themselves have the will and determination to care for their own health. However much intervention the government and authorities bring in, if the onus of the public is lacking, its still doomsday ultimately.
