Friday, September 2, 2011

Artifical Meat in 6 months away, Hamburger in a Year, Says Scientists

Seriously, they are making a hamburger in a lab!
In the latest artifical meat experiment, scientists have grown synthetic sausages using pig cells fed by horse serum. It said that the color of meat was white as it lack of blood and does not look appetizing (I mean, in the first place the word synthetic sausage already turns me off!)

Why are they doing this?
THey claim that synthetic meat is the solution for feeding the world 9 billion 2050 without destroying the planet.
Answering the food shortage problem!

I think I won't eat synthetic meat at all even if the world really comes to an end.


  1. Are they serious?!

    I think this way of solving the food shortage problem is worse than the creation of GM food!

    If the synthetic meat really enters the market, I think those who consume it will feel 'synthetic' in their stomach. Pity their digestive system...

    What can the digestive system digest since the synthetic meat contains pig cells fed by horse serum?

    In short, it's DISGUSTING!

  2. i dont like it when people use the excuse that eating meat is cruel when justifying vegetarianism or in this case fake hamburgers. it's natural for humans to consume meat just like other carnivorous animals. and if they think it's so cruel to eat animals, eating plants is cruel too! cos they're living things too (though without a backbone to feel pain)! who knows? maybe plants feel pain too just that they dont show it..
